I just discovered body by Simone and I’m addicted!!!

fitness, goals, happy

A while back, I posted about how great the free workouts on YouTube are. Well a few weeks ago, I stumbled across a channel called Sweaty Betty. They have Body by Simone and Barry’s Bootcamp and let me tell you, it’s amazing!! There is cardio, weights,ballet barre, yoga, pilates, strength training, HIIT, butt workouts, everything! I’m obsessed!!

I have been trying out their various workouts and I’m sore as hell the next day!! In just a few weeks, I have more definition in my arms and abs and I’ve lost 7 lbs!! I feel taller, I’m probably not actually taller, most likely my posture is better or something, but I will take it. It’s challenging and fun and best of all..free!! There is literally no reason not to give it a try!

Just had to share that with you!! Any workouts you think I should try?


Using Apple Cider Vinegar to get rid of pimples

Acne, Natural products, pintrest recipes, Skin care

For some reason that I cannot figure out I broke out horribly on the left side of my face!!  I usually have very clear skin, so acne is not something I have a lot of products to deal with…Two giant pimples! I’m not even exaggerating, these things are big, bright red and very very noticeable! My regular stuff didn’t even work on it, so I decided to try Apple Cider Vinegar because it was all over Pinterest…

Day one, I used Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner…it burns!! When I say it burns, I don’t mean a little, tears actually came to my eyes. Must be working right? No pain no gain! I used it twice a day. I followed that with my usual skin care regime and avoided mirrors for the rest of the day..The burning only lasts a few seconds though, so power through..in the morning they were smaller.

Day two, I read that you are in fact supposed to wash it off after 30 min. Whoops!  So I used it as a toner, waited 30 min. and washed it off. I did this twice a day. Yes, it still burns, but I also don’t want to walk around like this, so I power through..

Day three, I pop the 2 disgusting whiteheads on my face and use the Apple Cider Vinegar again, leave it on 30 min. rinse it off. My skin is a little dry, but not too bad. I use very moisturizing serum and day cream. I use it again at night, 30 min on, rinse off, regular night-time regime…

Day four, Hooray!! My skin is clear!! I mean clear! I have slightly pinkish marks if you really really look, but no pimples, no blackheads, clear skin!! I may continue to use this for maintenance!! It’s cheap too!

Do you have any great acne remedies? Share!!
